So tomorrow is something that has been driving me insane for the last 3 months or maybe even more! oral surgery! My dentist told me that I need to have a wisdom tooth out because its decaying with age and is really hard to get too, its under the gum and difficult. She referred me to my local hospital to get checked out. I should be in lots of pain with it apparently but feel none and feel no problems with it at all!

I go in the morning at 11:30am and the operation is early afternoon and then I should be back about 5-6pm! There will be general anaesthetic and the recovery is a bit horrid! I am actually having two wisdom teeth out now and they get stitched up and then for the first few days there is lots of swelling, bruising etc and soft food and soup and yoghurt!

I really dont want to do this but now I just want it over with and out of the way and I move on with 2010! I am most anxious about being in a bed around other people and coping all by myself!

I have really been reading the book "feel the fear and do it anyway" by Susan Jeffers and I just have to keep telling myself that whatever happens tomorrow I'll handle it! it cant be worse than my anxious thoughts about it!

I will cope and handle it! and then hopefully will get loads of nice painkillers and soon next week will be a little more back to normal! I do feel I am becoming more empowered and hoping I can handle this next challenge which is the most difficult for me so far :)

much love D xx


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